Wigwam - Wigwam
Type: CDR Promo Sampler
Released: 2006 (US)
Dharma/Instant Karma
Catalog #: None
Discogs Release: r14904403
Track List:
- "Wigwam"
- "Rock Me"
- "Planet Bug"
- "Bring The Noise"
- "Robbie Rapman"
- "Crooked Smile"
- "Istanbul"
- "Wigwam" is produced by The Beatmasters.
- "Robbie Rapman" is produced by Ben Hillier.
- Alex James of alternative rock band Blur and singer Betty Boo joined to form a duo called Wigwam.
- "Wigwam" was the only single to be released and the Wigwam album was later shelved.
- "Planet Bug," "Bring The Noise," "Crooked Smile," and "Istanbul" are exclusive to this CDR.
- Tracks 1 through 7 - Lossless/22.05 kHz
Awesome, so would love to hear all of these tracks.